Glenview Medical offers confidential and non-judgemental sexual and reproductive healthcare. We have strong focus on education and prevention and welcome people of all ages and orientation.
- Diagnoses and management of sexuality of sexuality transmitted diseases including STI self-testing
- Diagnosis and management of other genital problems including genital skin conditions and genital pain
- Pregnancy testing and emergency contraception
- HPV immunisation
- Help with sexuality and gender identity issues including transgender care
- Free condoms
- Cervical screening
- Friendly and non-judgemental staff
- Advice regarding contraceptive options including the pill, barrier methods and fertility awareness
- Intrauterine device and mirena insertion and removal
- Contraceptive implant insertion and removal
- Depo Provera injection
- Pregnancy counselling
- Abortion referrals
- PMS and menopause advice
- Permanent contraception services
- Vasectomy (available in the clinic)
- Referral for tubal ligation
- Vasectomy (available in the clinic)