Benefits of enrolling

Glenview Medical Centre is a member of the Pinnacle Midlands Health Network PHO (Primary Health Organisation), which provides funding and subsidised care and special programs for those who are enrolled patients. The aim of this funding is to benefit and meet the health care needs of the local community.

Benefits of enrolling with Glenview Medical Centre:
  • you will be eligible for reduced family doctor fees
  • free palliative care visits
  • free acute packages of care where you may need to receive extended treatment and observation within the practice eg IV antibiotics for an infection
  • entry into all the screening programs associated with women’s health
  • free childhood immunisations
  • free B 4 School Checks
  • continuity of care within the practice, which means we are better able to meet your health needs in a timely and safe manner

Please note that Dr Grace Buckland and Dr Jimmy Maslai are the only doctors able to enrol new patients.

Our Terms


  • Payment is expected at the time of the consultation or service


  • Unpaid fees/accounts are text / mailed / emailed
  • Payment is due immediately
  • If an account remains unpaid 30 days after payment is due, your account may be lodged with a Debt Collection Agency, and you will incur additional costs associated with the debt recovery.

Enrolments and Forms

Please refer below for Glenview Medical Centre’s enrolment form and transfer request form. Please complete the attached documents and bring in for processing, you will need to bring in proof of identification to complete this process.

Please note that every patient over the age of 16 is required to sign their own enrolment form. If you have not been to see us for 3 years, you will need to reenroll, print the form below, complete and bring to reception.


Evidence for Enrolment

New Zealand Residents / Citizens
You will need to show your health service provider:

  • your New Zealand passport OR
  • your New Zealand Birth Certificate (or Cook Island, Niue or Tokelau birth certificate) AND two forms of proof that you are the person on the birth certificate OR
  • your New Zealand Certificate of Citizenship AND two forms of supporting identity documentation – one needs to have a photograph of you OR
  • your Descent Registration Certificate AND two forms of supporting identity documentation – one needs to have a photograph of you OR
  • Evidence you are currently getting a social security benefit (except emergency benefit) AND two forms of supporting identity documentation – one needs to have a photograph of you.

Examples of identity documents include:
  • a driver licence
  • an 18+ card
  • an employment contract, a rental agreement, or
  • Letters addressed to you at your current address.

The following cards may also be used for proof of identity (but not proof of eligibility)
  • a Community Services Card or SuperGold Card
  • a school/tertiary ID card

Requirements for these documents are waived for children

Non-New Zealand Residents
Valid Passport:
  1. Stamped with date of entry into New Zealand
  2. Valid visa for enrolment (refer to eligibility)

New Zealand Citizen(yes)-additional information required to support eligibility as
New Zealand Resident(yes)-additional information required to support eligibility
Australian Citizen(yes)-additional information required to support eligibility
UK Citizen(yes)-additional information required to support eligibility
Work Visa Holders (2 years)(yes)-work visas are based on entry into New Zealand NOT start date of visa
Work Visa Holder (1 year)(No)-Not eligible
Refugees(yes)-additional information required to support eligibility
Students(yes)-New Zealand Aid programme or Commonwealth Scholarship holders, only (Evidence required)
Children(yes)-additional information required to support eligibility
Young People(yes)-additional information required to support eligibility
Maternity(yes)-additional information required to support eligibility

All of the above examples are subsequent to meeting all eligibility criteria required by Ministry of Health. For any further information, please refer to the Ministry of Health website and click on “guide to eligibility public health services.”